Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil

Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil
Whole Food, Plant~Based, Oil~Free Vegan, NO processed oils, Minimal Sugar Dietary Guidelines Food Pyramid

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I'm So๐ŸŒฑVegan I Would Come Vegan Again If I Could - Double Down + Double Up Veganism๐ŸŒฑ

I'm So ๐ŸŒฑVegan๐ŸŒฑI Would Come Vegan ๐ŸŒฑ Again If I Could - Double Down + Double Up Veganism ๐ŸŒฑ

Sunday May 24, 2020 1:05am

I have been vegan for about 11 years now. I had been an ignorant vegetarian for 18 years before coming vegan. ๐ŸŒฑ

You can read about ignorant vegetarianism here and also here.

Crazy thing is that I have healed many health issues - and @ 46 years young - I am healthier than I have ever been at any other time of my life. 

I eat more variety of fruits and vegetables then I ever used to as an ignorant vegetarian. 

I am more educated about the food that I eat. I am more educated about the nutrients that are needed.

I am more compassionate about Everything in the World. ---click here to continue reading...

I am more educated about all the 'touch points' along the process of how things are made - and the processes involved in getting 'food' to your plate.

I am more aware that there is an infinite amount of information for me to learn more of - I am acutely aware that my current knowledge is just the beginning of so much more to learn.

I do not have the body of a super model - a super yogi - I am not super toned (yet) - not super fit. But Healthy!
I do quite enjoy a super amount of vegan junk foods - Truthfully, in the past couple years - I have not been eating the 100% junk-free optimal whole food plant based 'oil-free' lifestyle that I do promote and believe in as the #1 Healthiest Diet Of All - yet I am still healthy and happy with my weight.

I think I can lose a couple lbs, and get stronger - and I am doing so lovingly.

I am very happy that I do NOT eat the standard American diet - also known as the SAD diet

My energy levels are high. My spirits are High. My belief in my ability to heal {emotionally - mentally - spiritually - and physically} of all my ailments is high. 

My bank account is - pretty much imaginary at the moment - but I'm working miracles on this one.

Lots of changes and crazy upside downsies have happened in this world over this past decade. 

One thing that continues to abide - is me living on the vegan side.

I love Living Peach and each day is a new chance to learn to be More Vegan!

I commit to Veganism Every Day Effortlessly because it feels good - it tastes good - and Everyday is another chance to learn More about All the Infinite Reasons there are to come Vegan - stay Vegan - and Spread Veganism like Dandelions ๐Ÿฆblowing in the wind - sprouting new little vegans everywhere I come and go. ๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ

Every day I have been vegan - I have felt such gratitude for this peaceful way of living. 

Every day I have been vegan - I have learned another reason to be dedicated - devoted - and avowed to this lifestyle.

Every day I have been vegan - I have thought "Damn! If I wasn't already vegan - I would come vegan right now! Thank God I am vegan!"

That clichรฉ is true - the only thing I regret about being vegan is taking so f*ing long to get here!

Come vegan today - everyday - and become an advocate for Peace - Non-violence - Love - and Infinite Kindness!

It's never been easier! It's never been more relevant and timely! #comevegan ๐ŸŒฑ
L.O.V.E. www.LivingPeach.com๐Ÿ‘

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