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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

the Expansive Limitless Possibilities Of The Magical Miraculous Unmanifested

Does the Unlimited Possibilities Of The Unknown scare you into a limited -

false sense of security through staying small -and within your familiar routine? 

πŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠListen to the audio version of this article here πŸ”ŠπŸ”Š

Or Are you happily embracing the Expansive Limitless Possibilities Of The Magical Miraculous Unmanifested

by Aligning with your Realest Desires - 

Dreams and Intentions? 


A Fresh Mindset Full of Zest For Life or a Fear Based Junky Belief Structure built on

fear and lack? Are you An Abundance Creator or a Lack creator?  Click below to Read moreπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

The funny not funny

sad but true thing is

no matter how much we think we know —

regardless of how certain we are of situations - relationships - Business - decisions

about our life path - Health and every area of life we can believe 

we are secure -

working towards stability - working for the procurement of our safety -

The underlying reality the real foundation of everything we build is based on

not actually knowing what’s going to come in one minute - an hour - tomorrow

next week next year etc. We plan and base our lives around trying to

🌟obtain ⭐️achieve and πŸ’«maintain a secure place in a truly chaotic πŸ”₯world whose

underlying reality is chaos of endless unlimited unknowns.

To me that is a perpetual source of miraculous possibilities {true and some fear}


For some that is a constant source of insecurity and fear.

But your insecurity can be an ally when you align with the life path and dreams you

truly intend to manifest versus fear-based limits guided by what you don’t want

instead of what you do want.

Shift your mindset shift your entire life pathπŸ’—

LOVE www.LivingPeach.com πŸ‘

Eckhart Tolle - “Become comfortable with not knowing.”

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